Materials Innovation and Manufacturing (MIM)
We seek to understand and explore the characteristics of emerging nanomaterials with large aspect ratios such as fibers, tubes and sheets and their hybrids. We are interested in the nanoscale fundamental science and the large-scale applications through nanomanufacturing. Our aim is to use rationale assembly to manipulate electrons, ions, photons, phonons and mechanical properties toward multi-functionalities. Our current research interests include:
Emerging energy storages beyond Li-ion;
Sustainable nanomaterials (e.g. wood nanocellulose) for energy and environmental applications;
Nanoscale materials synthesis and nanomanufacturing;
Flexible electronics.

The Principle Investigator
Dr. Liangbing (Bing) Hu
Born in Hubei Providence, China in 1982.
Obtained his BS in Physics from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2002, where he worked on colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) materials.
Got his PhD in Physics from UCLA, where he worked on nanoelectronics with carbon nanotubes.
Co-founded Unidym Inc in 2006 and continued working there until 2009 as a scientist, where he led the effort on roll-to-roll coating and devices integrations of transparent carbon nanotube films.
Did his Postdoc in Stanford MSE from 2009-2011, where he worked on electrochemical energy storages.
Started his career as an assistant professor at MSE and Energy Research Center at University of Maryland College Park in 2011, where he is leading a group focusing on nanomaterials and emerging devices.

Transient electronics

2019 The 2019 Highly Cited Researchers list by Clarivate Analytics
2019 Young Innovator Award, Wiley-Small
2019 Minta Martin Professor of Engineering, Universit of Maryland
2019 Blavatnik Awards for Young Scientists (Finalist)
2019 TAPPI Nano Middle Career Award
2019 Plenary speaker, The 2nd International Symposium of Nanocellulosic Materials, Tianjin, China
2019 Invention of the Year, Physical Science, Strong and Tough Graphite-Paper Composites
2019 Exemplary Research Recognition (the only one in the engineering school of UMD)
2018 The 2018 Highly Cited Researchers list by Clarivate Analytics
2018 2019 Young Innovator Award in NanoEnergy, Journal of Nano Research
2018 2018 R&D 100 Winner, Super Wood: Stronger and Lighter Than Steel
2018 Henry J.E. Reid Award (NASA Langley)
2018 Finalist in Energy for the 2017 World Technology Awards
2017 Most Influential Scientific Minds, the 2017 Highly Cited Researchers list by Clarivate Analytics (rank in the top 1% most-cited in their respective fields over a recent 11-year period)
2017 ACS Nano Letter Young Investigator
2017 KINGFA Young Investigator Award, ACS Division of Cellulose and Renewable Materials
2017 Nano Letters Young Investigator
2016 Finalist of “Energy Ideas to Change the World” by DOE ARPA-E
2016 Emerging Investigators, Inorganic Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry
2016 Emerging Young Investigator’ for Up-and-Coming Perspective by Chemistry of Materials (American Chemical Society)
2016 ECS-Toyota Young Investigator Fellowships Finalist, 2015
2016 ACS Division of Energy and Fuel, Emerging Investigator Award
2016 ONR Young Investigator Award
2016 SME Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award
2015 Fibers Society Plenary speaker
2015 Junior Faculty Award (School of Engineering), UMD
2015 3M Non-tenured Faculty Award
2014 Maryland Outstanding Young Engineer
2014 UMD Research Leader
2014 Invention of Year 2013 (Physical Science), UMD
2014 Emerging Young Investigator by Journal of Materials Chemistry
2014 Campus Star, the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
2014 UMD Research Leader
2013 Air Force Young Investigator Award (AFOSR YIP)
2012 Minta Martin Award
2012 Nominated by UMD for Packard Foundation Fellowship
2010 Innovation Award, Society of Manufacturing Engineer, Nashville, Tennessee
2006 Outstanding Teaching Fellow, Department of Physics, UCLA
1208 Engineering Lab Building (Bdlg 089)
University of Maryland
College Park MD 20742
2018~present, Associate Editor, Energy Storage Materials
2018~present, Editorial Advisory Board of Advanced Functional Materials
2016~present, Committee chair of TAPPI on Electronic Materials, Optical Materials and Catalysis/Templating
2014~present, Editorial Board of Nature Scientific Report
2016~2017, Editorial Board of Energy Storage Materials
Editorial Board of Frontiers in Energy Storage
Editorial Board of Supercapacitor
MRS Symposium Lead-Organizer, MRS Fall, Solid State Batteries: Materials, Interfaces, and Performance, Boston, 2018.
Symposium Lead-Organizer, 255th ACS National Meeting, Wood-Based Materials for Energy and Water, New Orleans, Louisiana, 2018
Symposium Co-Organizer, Two-dimensional Materials for Energy and Fuel, 254th ACS National Meeting, Washington DC, 2017
'Manufacturing Science and Technology' Program Committee for the AVS 64th International Symposium & Exhibition, also 63th
Symposium Lead-Organizer, Cellulose Electronics, TAPPI Nano, 2017 International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Nanomaterials.
2016 MRS Energy Storage
Symposium Lead-Organizer, TAPPI Nano, International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Nanomaterials, 2016
2D Materials: Graphene & Beyond & their Device Applications, 252nd ACS National Meeting, 2016
Innovative Chemistry & Materials for Electroenergy Production & Storage, 252nd ACS National Meeting, 2016
Symposium Lead-Organizer, MRS Fall, Nanocellulose Materials and Beyond-Nanoscience, Structures, Devices and Nanomanufacturing, Boston, 2015
Symposium Lead-Organizer, TAPPI Nano, 2015 International Conference on Nanotechnology for Renewable Nanomaterials, Atlanta, 2015
Symposium Co-Organizer, Two-dimensional Materials for Energy and Fuel, 249th ACS National Meeting, Denver, Texas-Division of Energy and Fuel, 2015
Symposium Co-Organizer, Two-dimensional Materials for Energy and Fuel, 247th ACS National Meeting, Dallas, Texas-Division of Energy and Fuel, 2014
Symposium Lead-Organizer, 3rd International Symposium on Graphene for Energy and Fuels, 248th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, California-Division of Energy and Fuel, 2014
Symposium Lead-Organizer, Applications and Manufacturing of Devices on Paper and Textiles, 61th AVS National Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, 2014
Symposium Co-Organizer, ISDRS 2013 International Semiconductor Device Research, Hyatt Regency Bethesda, Maryland, 2013
Symposium Lead-Organizer, Materials Challenges and Integration Strategies for Flexible Energy Devices and Systems, MRS Spring, San Francisco, 2014
Symposium Co-Organizer, Capacitors and Related Systems for Energy Storage, 245th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans-Division of Energy and Fuel, 2013
Symposium Co-Organizer, 2nd International Symposium on Graphene for Energy and Fuels, Indianapolis, Indiana, 2013